Class Home Page
Honors Elementary Differential Equations
MAP 2302, section 3149
Spring 2001

The URL for this page is Most handouts and other information will be available via links from this page and/or the syllabus page.

Professor David Groisser
418 Little Hall
392-0281 extension 261

  • Syllabus
  • Homework assignments
  • Attendance policy
  • Other handouts
  • Grade scales for exams and quizzes (Updated periodically, this page will usually be current through most recent exam or quiz.)
  • Dr. Groisser's office hours

    Prerequisites for this course

    MAC 2312 or equivalent. You will need a good working knowledge of Calculus 1 and 2. In particular, you will be expected to know integration techniques; the chain rule; partial fractions; and the algebra, calculus, and general properties of sines, cosines, and exponentials. If you are weak in any of these areas, or it's been a while since you took calculus, you will need to spend extra time reviewing or relearning that material.

    Knowledge of partial derivatives (usually covered in third-semester calculus) is not a prerequisite but would be helpful.

    Last update made by D. Groisser Thu Jan 4 17:18:00 EST 2001