Grade Scales for Quizzes and Exams
MAC 3474, Section 3130
Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
Spring 2001

Hour Exams

A B C D class median class average
Exam 1 (100 points) 89 77 63 51
Exam 2 (100 points) 90 78 62 50
Exam 3 (100 points) 85 71 55 43


A B C D class average
Quiz 1 (30 points) 27 24 20 17
Quiz 2 (30 points) 27 24 20 17
Quiz 3 (30 points) 25 21 16 12
Quiz 4 (30 points) 27 24 20 17
Quiz 5 (30 points) 25 21 16 12
Quiz 6, if given (30 points)
Quiz 7, if given (30 points)
Quiz 8, if given (30 points)
Quiz 9, if given (30 points)
Quiz 10, if given (30 points)
Quiz totals 131 114 92 75
Note: At the end of the semester, students who qualify for the worst-quiz drop will have their final quiz totals computed by adding their un-dropped scores together, then multiplying by n/(n-1) where n is the number of quizzes eventually given. There is no point doing this computation before the last day of class since until then you will not know n, the grade scales for future quizzes, or whether you will qualify for the quiz-drop.

Final Exam (200 points)

A B C D class median class average
170 140 95 65
Click here for the list of scores .

Total points needed on 1000-point scale for each final grade

(based on weighting each midterm 17%, quizzes (total) 16%, final exam 33%)

A B+ B C+ C D+ D E
Points needed 869 803 737 649 561 496 432
Number of students receiving grade 5 1 6 10 2 0 0 1
The student who received the E never showed up after the second midterm, but for some reason never dropped the class. Excluding this person from the average, class GPA was 2.94 (including this student the GPA was 2.82). For purposes of comparison, GPA for my MAC 2313 class last semester was 2.65; the last time I taught MAC 3474 the GPA was 3.06.

If you have a question about your grade or would like to look at your graded exam, please stop by my office. I will not discuss grades by email, but email is a good way to set up an appointment with me ( I expect to be in my office on Fri., May 4, from roughly 3:00-5:00 p.m., though not necessarily for every minute of that range. You may call me at 392-0281 ext. 261 to see if I'm in. I'll also be available for appointments from May 7-14 and (I currently expect) from June 4 onward. If you'll be away all summer, we can set up a telephone appointment.

Class home page