Grade Scales for Quizzes and Exams
MAC 3474, Section 3130
Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
Spring 2002

Hour Exams

A B C D class median class average
Exam 1 (100 points) 86 75 61 50
Exam 2 (100 points) 86 74 58 46
Exam 3 (100 points) 85 73 58 46

Final Exam (200 points)

A B C D class median class average
164 138 102 76
Click here for the list of scores .

Total points needed on 1000-point scale for each final grade

(based on weighting each midterm 20% and the final exam 40%)

A B+ B C+ C D+ D E
Points needed 842 781 720 639 558 497 436
Number of students receiving grade 6 3 4 3 5 1 1 0
The class GPA was 2.89. For purposes of comparison, the GPA for my section of MAC 3474 last year (spring 2001) was 2.82.

If you have a question about your grade or would like to look at your graded exam, please stop by my office after May 20. I will not discuss grades by email, but email is a good way to set up an appointment with me ( If you'll be away all summer, we can set up a telephone appointment. Note: the math department computer system, including email and websites, will be down from May 7-12.

Class home page