List of Scores on First Exam
MAC 3474, Spring 2012

section 3129 (MTWF 7th period)

Scores, out of 102 "regular" points + 18 Extra Credit points, grouped by first digit(s) (poor man's bar graph of grade-distribution):


  98,  98,  96,  94,  92,  91,

  87,  87,  86,  83,  83,  83,  82,

  79,  77,  73,  73,  70,


  59,  56

Scores grouped by letter-grade:

A's    91     
A-'s   87     
A-'s    86     
B+'s  83     
B+'s  82     
B's    79     
B's    77     
B-'s   73     
B-'s   70     
C+'s  69     
C's    59     
C's    56     
C-'s   none     
D+'s  none     
D's    none     
E's    none