The scale for each assignment or exam below is created after the assignment or exam is graded. These are the cutoffs that will inserted into the announced grading formulas to determine the "raw score" cutoffs for final grades.The cutoffs given below are the bottom for the "flat" grade, not the minus grade. (For example, if the cutoff listed for a B is 50 points, then 50 is a B and 49 is a B-). The A- cutoff is 1/3 of the way down from the A cutoff to the B cutoff, the B+ cutoff is 1/3 of the way up from the B cutoff to the A cutoff, the B- cutoff is 1/3 of the way down from the B cutoff to the C cutoff, etc. (except that I do not give D-'s; anything lower than the D cutoff is an E).
A cutoff like "17.5" in a grade-scale does not mean that any half-points were given to any student on the corresponding assignment or exam; it simply means that I thought 18 was too high for the cutoff and 17 was too low.
Each average below except for homework totals, was computed from the scores of only those students who took that exam or who turned in that assignment. (For Exam 1, the average and median have not been adjusted for the special "midterm deal", but the list-of-scores page shows both the unadjusted and adjusted scores.) The average for total homework points was computed just from currently-registered students, and therefore does not reflect students who may have turned in earlier homeworks (and are therefore reflected in the averages for those earlier homeworks) but have since dropped the class.
Scores (and cutoffs) for the different assignments are simply added together at the end of the semester. Example: if there are only two homework assignments, worth 60 points and 80 points respectively, and the "A" cutoffs are 50 and 70 respectively, then the "A" cutoff for the homework component of the final grade is 120 out of a possible 140. A student earning 55 points on each of the two homeworks would have the same homework grade as a student earning 30 points on the first assignment and 80 points on the second.
A B C D class average Assignment 1 (16 points) 13.5
(70%)Assignment 2 (24 points) 20
(67%)Assignment 3 (32 points, incl. 6 for ungraded problems) 28.5
(82%)Assignment 4 (32 points, incl. 8 for ungraded problems) 28
(80%)Assignment 5 (38 points, incl. 8 for ungraded problems) 32.5
(70%)Assignment 6 (0 points) NA
NAAssignment 7 (34 points, incl. 8 for ungraded problems) 29.5
(77%)Assignment 8 (38 points, incl. 7 for ungraded problems) 33
(69%)Assignment 9 (34 points, incl. 8 for ungraded problems) 27.5
(71%)Assignment 10 (0 points) NA
NAAssignment 11 (21 points; all problems were graded) 19
(71%)Assignment 12 (35 points, incl. 8 for ungraded problems) 31
(91%)Assignment 13 (31 points, incl. 6 for ungraded problems) 28
(97%)Assignment 14 (0 points) NA
NAHomework totals (335 points, incl. 59 for ungraded problems) 290.5
Midterm Exams
A B C D class median class average Exam 1 (100 points) 85
(44%)list of scores Exam 2 (136 points) 117.5
(64%)list of scores
Final Exam (210 points)
A B C D class median class average Final Exam (210) points) 176
(58%)list of scores
Raw-score cutoffs for each grade
See Canvas "Assignment" and syllabus for explanation. "Current" means "As of the last exam or homework whose grade-scale is above."
max possible to date A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D 1000 854 806 758 710 643 577 511 465 419 374
Distribution of final grades for course
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D E Number of students receiving grade 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 2