MAA 4212 Assigment 2
Due date: Mon. 2/4/02

Last update made by D. Groisser Fri Jan 25 17:48:03 EST 2002

Rosenlicht, pp. 132-135/1-3, 7-12. Hand in only numbers 1-3, 8, 11, 12. (Problems 7-12 use material that will not be covered in class till Monday Jan. 28. In several of these problems, the proposition on p. 120 is very helpful.)

Additionally, in problem 12, the quantity

(integral of f over [a,b])/( b-a )
is called the average value of f over the interval [a,b]. Give an explanation of why this terminology makes sense, and for positive f give a geometric interpretation in terms of areas.
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