Changes may be made to this document, and to linked pages or files,
before the semester starts. Some links may not work at all before
Jan. 13.
Class Home Page
Honors Elementary Differential Equations
MAP 2302—Section 4219 (19527)
Spring 2025
This 3-credit course is a face-to-face class, meeting
8th period (3:00–3:50 p.m.) Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays, in Leigh 104.
"Honors at the collegiate level is a challenge, not
a reward." (
Most files and pages I create for this course will be housed on
the website you're looking at now, not directly on Canvas. However,
they will all be reachable easily from Canvas (possibly by navigating
this page first). You will also be able to see your grades
on Canvas.