Homework Assignments
MAP 2302 Section 4219 (19527) — Honors Elementary Differential Equations
Spring 2025

Last updated   Thu Feb 13   01:44 EST   2025

Homework problems and due dates (not the dates the problems are assigned) are listed below. This list, especially the due dates, will be updated frequently, usually a few hours after class or later that night. Assignments with due-dates later than the next lecture are estimates. In particular, problems or reading not currently listed for a future assignment may be added by the time that assignment is finalized, and due dates for particular exercises, reading, or entire assignments, may end up being moved either forward or back (but not moved back to an assignment whose due-date has already passed). Note that on any given due-date there may be problems due from more than one section of the book.

It is critical that you keep up with the homework daily. Far too much homework will be assigned for you to catch up after a several-day lapse, even if your past experience makes you think that you'll be able to do this. I cannot stress this strongly enough. Students who do not keep up with the homework frequently receive D's or worse (or drop the class to avoid receiving such a grade). Every time I teach this class, there are students who make the mistake of thinking that this advice does not apply to them. No matter how good a student you are, or what your past experiences have been, this advice applies to YOU. Yes, YOU.

A great many students don't do as well as they'd hoped, for reasons that can be chalked up to not following their instructors' best advice from the start. Much of my advice (and the book's) will require more time, and more consistent effort, than you're used to putting into your classes. It's easy to dig yourself into a hole by thinking, "I've never had to work after every single class, or put in as many hours as following advice like this would take, and I've always done well. And the same goes for my friends. So I'll just continue to approach my math classes the way I've always done." By the time a student realizes that this plan isn't working, and asks his or her professor "What can I do to improve?" it's usually too late to make a big difference.

Exam-dates and some miscellaneous items may also appear below.

If one day's assignment seems lighter than average, it's a good idea to read ahead and start doing the next assignment (if posted), which may be longer than average. (Or use the opportunity to get ahead in your other classes, so that you'll have more time available when I do give you a longer assignment.)

Unless otherwise indicated, problems are from our textbook (Nagle, Saff, & Snider) It is intentional that some of the problems assigned do not have answers in the back of the book or solutions in a manual. An important part of learning mathematics is learning how to figure out by yourself whether your answers are correct.

In the table below, "NSS" stands for our textbook. Exercises are from NSS unless otherwise specified.
Date due Section # / problem #'s
W 1/15/25
  • Read the class home page and syllabus webpages.

  • Go to the Miscellaneous Handouts page (linked to the class home page) and read the web handouts "Taking and Using Notes in a College Math Class," "Sets and Functions,", and "What is a solution?"

    Never treat any reading portion of any assignment as optional, or as something you're sure you already know, or as something you can postpone (unless I tell you otherwise)! I can pretty much guarantee that every one of my handouts has something in it that you don't know, no matter how low-level the handout may appear to be at first.

  • Read Section 1.1 and do problems 1.1/ 1–16. Since not everyone may have access to the textbook yet, here is a scan of the first 15 pages (Sections 1.1–1.2, including all the exercises).

  • Do non-book problem 1.

  • In my notes on first-order ODEs (also linked to the Miscellaneous Handouts page), read the first three paragraphs of the introduction, all of Section 3.1, and Section 3.2.1 through Definition 3.1. In all readings I assign from these notes, you should skip anything labeled "Note(s) to instructors".
       Whenever I update these notes (whether substantively or just to fix typos), I update the version-date line on p. 1. Each time you're going to look at the notes, re-load them to make sure that you're looking at the latest version.
  • F 1/17/25

  • 1.2/ 1, 3–6, 17, 19–22.
    Something I didn't have time to talk about in Wednesday's class: whenever you see the term "explicit solution" in the book, you should (mentally) delete the word "explicit". (Until the third author was added to later editions of the textbook, what NSS now calls an explicit solution is exactly what it had previously called, simply and correctly,a solution.. The authors tried to "improve" the completely standard meaning of "solution of a DE". They did not succeed. See Notes on some book problems for additional corrections to the wording of several of the Section 1.2 problems.

    Note: The exercise portions of many (probably most) of your homework assignments will be a lot more time-consuming than in the assignments to date; I want to give you fair warning of this before the end of Drop/Add.     However, since my posted notes are only on first-order ODEs, the reading portions of the assignments will become much lighter once we're finished with first-order equations (which will take the first month or so of the semester).

  • In my notes, read from where you left off in the last assignment through Example 3.11 (p. 15).
  • W 1/22/25

  • In the textbook, read the first page of Section 2.2, minus the last sentence. (We will discuss how to solve separable equations after we've finished discussing linear equations, the topic of Section 2.3. The only reason I'm having you read the first page of Section 2.2 now is so that you can do the first few exercises of Section 2.3. But as a "bonus", you'll also be able to do the exercises in Section 2.2 assigned below.)

  • 2.2/ 1–4, 6

  • 2.3/ 1–6

  • In my notes, read from where you left off in the last assignment through the one-sentence paragraph after Definition 3.19. (Exception: you may treat the blue Remark 3.16 as optional reading.)
  • F 1/24/25

  • In Section 2.3, read up through p. 50, but mentally makes some modifications:
    • Replace the book's transition from equation (6) to equation (7) by what I said in class: that \(\mu'/\mu =\frac{d}{dx} \ln |\mu|.\) (The book's reference to separable equations is unnecessary, and does not lead directly to equation (7); it leads to a similar equation but with \(|\mu(x)|\) on the left-hand side, just as my argument on Wednesday 1/22 did. On Friday 1/24, I'll go over why we can get rid of the absolute-value symbols in this setting. Equation (7) itself is fine, modulo the meaning of indefinite-integral notation; it's only the book's derivation that has problems.)

    • Remember that whenever you see an indefinite integral in the book, e.g. \(\int f(x)\, dx,\) the meaning is my "\(\int_{\rm spec} f(x)\, dx\)." To review what I said about notation for indefinite integrals, go to the my Spring 2024 homework page, locate the assignment that was due 1/19/24, and in the first bullet-point, read from the beginning of the second sentence ("Remember ...") to the end of the green text.

  • In my notes, read from where you left off in the last assignment through the end of Section 3.2.4 (the middle of p. 27). For a while, the readings I'm assigning will be beyond what we've gotten to yet in class. On any of the topics in my notes, there's simply too much to read for me to assign it all at once when we get to that topic in class. There is also simply too much there to talk about all of it in class. Much of it is material that could and should have been taught in Calculus 1 (and that used to be taught there).

    In Wednesday's class I didn't get quite far enough to write a clean summary of the method we had effectively derived, but the box on p. 50 serves that purpose (modulo the indefinite-integral notation). Armed with this, you should be able to do most of the exercises I'll be assigning from Section 2.3, but I'm putting these exercises in to the next assignment since I didn't get quite far enough. However, I recommend that, by Friday 1/24, you do as many of these exercises as you can, so that the next assignment isn't extra-long. If you want to read more examples before starting on the exercises, it's okay to look at Section 2.3's Examples 1–3, but be warned: Examples 1 and 2 have some extremely poor writing that you probably won't realize is poor, and that reinforces certain bad habits that most students have, but few are aware of. (Example 3 is better written, but shouldn't be read before the other two.) Specific problems with Example 2 (one of which also occurs in Example 1) are discussed in the same Spring 2024 assignment as above. The most pervasive of these is the one in last small-font paragraph in that assignment.

  • M 1/27/25

  • 2.3/ 7–9, 12–15 (note which variable is which in #13!), 17–20

       When you apply the integrating-factor method don't forget the first step: writing the equation in "standard linear form", equation (15) in the book. (If the original DE had an \(a_1(x)\) multiplying \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) — even a constant function other than 1—you have to divide through by \(a_1(x)\) before you can use the formula for \(\mu(x)\) in the box on p. 50; otherwise the method doesn't work.) Be especially careful to identify the function \(P\) correctly; its sign is very important. For example, in 2.3/17,  \(P(x)= -\frac{1}{x}\), not just \(\frac{1}{x}\).

        One thing I didn't get to say in Friday's lecture: The general solution of any derivative-form DE—the set of all maximal solutions—is the same as the set of maximal solutions of all possible IVP's for that DE. Hence, by figuring out all solutions to all IVPs for the DE, we are simultaneously figuring out the general solution of the DE.

  • 2.3 (continued)/ 22, 23, 25a, 27a, 28, 31, 33, 35
    See my Spring 2024 homework page, assignment due 1/22/24, for corrections to some of the Section 2.3 exercises. Also, in that same assignment read the three paragraphs at the bottom of the assignment. (The reason I'm not simply recopying such items into this semester's homework page is that some of my 2023-2024 students said that, although my comments and corrections were intended to be helpful, they made the look of those assignments overwhelming.)

  • 2.2/ 34. Although this exercise is in the section on "Separable Equations" (which we haven't discussed yet), the DE happens to be linear as well as separable, so you're equipped to solve it. For solving this equation, the "linear equations method" is actually simpler than—I would even say better than—the (not yet discussed) "separable equations method". (The same is true of Section 2.1's equation (1), which the book solves by the "separable equations method"—and makes two mistakes in the sentence containing equation (4). This is why I did not assign you to read Section 2.1.)

  • Do non-book problem 2.

  • In my notes, read from the beginning of Section 3.2.5 (p. 27) through the end of Definition 3.23 (p. 33), plus the paragraph after that definition. (All of this is needed for a proper understanding of the word "determines" in the book's Definition 2 in its Section 1.2! [I still haven't defined "implicit solution of a DE" yet; the above reading is needed just to understand the single word "determines" in that definition.] This is one of the biggest reasons I didn't assign you to read Section 1.2.) Then do the exercise that's shortly after Definition 3.23 in my notes.
  • W 1/29/25

  • In my notes:
    1. Read the remainder of Section 3.2.5 (pp. 33–34).
    2. Read Section 5.5 (The Implicit Function Theorem).
    3. In Section 3.2.6, read up through the end of Example 3.27 (pp. 37–38).
  • After you've done that reading, do the following exercises from the textbook: 1.2/ 2, 9–12, 30. In #30, ignore the book's statement of the Implicit Function Theorem; use the statement in my notes. The theorem stated in problem 30 is much weaker than the Implicit Function Theorem, and should not be called by that name. In fact, problem 30 cannot even be done using the book's theorem, because of the the words "near the point (0,1)" at the end of the problem.

        Note that the next assignment includes a more challenging version of problems 9–12. Since the reading portion of the current assignment is substantial (if you take the time needed to understand what you're reading), I didn't want to make the exercise portion too time-consuming. However, if you already feel up to tackling the more-challenging versions of these problems, then, by all means, get started on them early!

  • F 1/31/25

  • Re-do 1.2/ 9–12 without the book's instruction to assume that "the relationship does define \(y\) as a function of \(x\)."

  • In my notes, read Sections 5.2 and 5.4. (If you have any uncertainty about what an interval is, read Section 5.1 as well. If you need to review anything about the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, read Section 5.3.) My notes' Theorem 5.8, the "FTODE", is what the textbook's Theorem 1 on p. 11 should have said (modulo my having used "open set" in the FTODE instead of the book's "open rectangle").

  • 1.2/ 18, 23–28, 31. Do not do these until after you've read Section 5.4 in my notes. Anywhere that the book asks you whether its Theorem 1 implies something, replace that Theorem 1 with the FTODE stated in my notes.
       See my Fall 2024 homework page, assignment due 9/11/24, for corrections to some of these exercises, and some other brief comments.

  • In my notes, read Section 3.2.6 up through the paragraph before Example 3.31 on p. 42.

    Reminder: reading my notes is not optional (except for portions that I [or the notes] say you may skip, and the footnotes or parenthetic comments that say "Note to instructor(s)"). You should do your best to complete each reading assignment by the due date I give you. If you let yourself fall significantly behind, planning to catch up later, you will have far too much to absorb in too little time. What I've put in the notes are things that are not adequately covered in our textbook (or any current textbook that I know of). Unfortunately there isn't enough time to go over most of these carefully in class; we would not get through all the topics we're supposed to cover.

  • M 2/3/25

  • Skim Section 2.2 in the textbook, up through Example 3.
      I'm always uneasy about having my students read this section. The book's explanations and definitions in this section say many of the right things, but don't hold up under scrutiny, and there's lot of poor writing that I hate exposing you to. Furthermore, the most prominent item in the section—the box on p. 42—is misleading. The correct "method for solving separable DEs" has two parts, one of which is the (not quite finished) mechanical method in the box, the "brain off" method that I illustrated in class. The correct name for the method in the box on p. 42 is separation of variables. Furthermore, this PART of the method for solving separable DEs has (potentially) one more step: solving equation (3) explicitly for \(y\) in terms of \(x\) when possible (as it was in the example I did Friday's in class, \(\frac{dy}{dx}= x(y-1)^2\)).
          We still have a partial lecture's worth of conceptual material that's absent from the book, before which doing the exercises in Section 2.2 would amount to little more than pushing the symbols around the page a certain way. However, you do need to start getting some practice with the mechanical separation-of-variables method; otherwise you'll have too much to do in too short a time. So I've assigned some exercises from Section 2.2 below, for you to attempt based on your reading, but with special temporary instructions.
  • 2.2/ 7–14. For now (with the Monday 2/3 due date), all I want you to do in these exercises is to achieve an answer of the form of equation (3) in the box on p. 42—without worrying about intervals, regions, or exactly what an equation of this form has to do with (properly defined) solutions of a DE. Save your work, so that when I re-assign these exercises later, at which time your goal will be to get a complete answer that you fully understand, you won't have to re-do this part of the work.

  • In my notes, finish reading Section 3.2.6.
  • W 2/5/25

  • In my notes:

    • Read Section 3.2.10 up through the paragraph after the statement of Theorem 3.45. (This one-sentence paragraph explains the notation in equation (3.103) in Theorem 3.45.) This theorem assures us that, when its hypotheses are met, every solution of \(\frac{dy}{dx}=g(x)p(y)\) in the indicated region \(R\) is either a constant solution or can be found, at least in implicit form, by separation of variables (the "brain-off" method in the box on p. 42 of the textbook).

  • On my Spring 2024 homework page, go to the assignment that was due 1/26/24, and read the (whole) second bullet-point (which continues until the end of that assignment). This details several of the items that are misleading or just plain wrong in the book's Section 2.2. In the last non-parenthetic sentence of that assignment, "the method we've studied" is the method that we've just begun to study this semester (the method summarized by Theorem 3.45 in my notes, and justified by the proof of that theorem a few pages later).

  • Return to exercises 2.2/ 7–14 that I had you partially do in the previous assignment. Using Theorem 3.45 in my notes, this time find all the maximal solutions. Don't worry about graphing the solution-curves for any of the exercises in the current assignment; that's more than the exercises are asking for, and would take more time than it's worth.

        You are not yet expected to understand yet why the two-part method given by my notes' Theorem 3.45 works, or to fully understand "implicit solutions". For now, you are just getting practice with the two-part procedure for solving separable DEs (one part being separation of variables [the box on NSS p. 42], the other being finding any constant solutions the DE may have [it may not have any]).

  • Do non-book problems 3–5 . Although I haven't finished discussing various subtleties, or justified the separation-of-variables technique yet, the two-part procedure mentioned above does find all the solutions of the DEs in this assignment.
        Answers to these non-book problems are posted on the "Miscellaneous handouts" page.

    General comment. In doing the exercises from Section 2.2 or the non-book problems you may find that, often, the hardest part of doing such problems is doing the integrals. I intentionally assign problems that require you to refresh most of your basic integration techniques (not all of which are adequately refreshed by the book's problems).

      If you need to review the method of partial fractions, you can undoubtedly find it online somewhere, but our textbook has its own review on pp. 370–374. This review is interspersed with examples related to the topic of Chapter 7, Laplace Transforms, which we are a long way from starting to cover. For purposes of simply reviewing partial fractions, ignore everything in Examples 5, 6, and 7 on these pages except for the partial fractions computations. (For example, ignore any equation that has a curly "L" in it.)

  • 2.2/ 17–19, 21, 24
        The book's IVP exercises are not rich enough, by a long shot, to illustrate the dangers of keeping your brain turned off after you've separated variables (putting all \(y\)'s on one side of the equation and all \(x\)'s on the other, if these are the variable-names) and done the relevant integrals. Non-book problems 7 and 8, which will be in an upcoming assignment, were constructed to remedy this poverty. Feel free to tackle these before they're assigned.
  • F 2/7/25

  • 2.2/ 27abc

  • Do non-book problems 6–8.

  • Re-do 2.2/ 18 with the initial condition \(y(5)=1.\)

  • In my notes:

    • Read the remainder of Section 3.2.7.

    • Read Sections 3.2.8 and 3.2.9. It's okay if you read one of these sections as part of this assigment, and the other as part of the next assignment.

    • In Section 3.2.10, starting where you left off, read up through at least the portion of the proof of Theorem 3.45 that ends with statement (3.109).
  • M 2/10/25

  • In my notes:

    • Read the remainder of Section 3.2.10.

    • Read Section 3.3.1. With the exception of the definition of the differential \(dF\) of a two-variable function \(F\), the material in Section 3.3.1 of my notes is basically not discussed in the book at all, even though differential-form DEs appear in (not-yet-assigned) exercises for the book's Section 2.2 and in all remaining sections of Chapter 2. (Except for "Exact equations"—Section 3.3.6 of my notes—hardly anything in Section 3.3 of my notes [First-order equations in differential form] is discussed in the book at all.)

  • In the textbook, read Section 2.4 up through the boxed definition "Exact Differential Form" on p. 59. Also, on my Spring 2024 homework page, go to the assignment that was due 2/7/24, and read "Comments, part 1" and "Comments, part 2."
  • W 2/12/25

  • In my notes:

    • Read Section 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. You may skip the portions labeled "optional reading".

    • In Section 3.3.5, read up through Example 3.71.
         Section 3.3.5 essentially addresses: what constitutes a possible answer to various questions, based the type of DE (derivative-form or differential-form) you're being asked to solve? A proper answer to this question requires taking into account some important facts omitted from the textbook (e.g. the fact that DEs in derivative form and DEs in differential form are not "essentially the same thing").

  • 2.2 (not 2.3 or 2.4)/ 5, 15, 16. (I did not assign these when we were covering Section 2.2 because we had not yet discussed "differential form".)
        Previously, we defined what "separable" means only for a DE in derivative form. An equation in differential form is called separable if, in some region of the \(xy\) plane (not necessarily the whole region on which the given DE is defined), the given DE is algebraically equivalent to an equation of the form \(h(y)dy=g(x)dx\) (assuming the variables are \(x\) and \(y\)). This is equivalent to the condition that the derivative-form equation obtained by formally dividing the original equation by \(dx\) or \(dy\) is separable.
        As for how to solve these equations: you will probably be able to guess the correct mechanical procedure. A natural question is: how can you be sure that these mechanical procedures give you a completely correct answer? That question is, essentially, what Sections 3.4–3.6 of my notes are devoted to.

    Warning. For questions answered in the back of the book: not all answers there are correct (that's a general statement; I haven't done a separate check for the exercises in this assignment) and some may be misleading. But most are either correct, or pretty close.

  • F 2/14/25

  • In the textbook, continue reading Section 2.4, up through Example 3. Then do the next set of exercises:

  • 2.4/ 1–8. Note: For differential-form DEs, there is no such thing as a linear equation. In these problems, the book means for you to classify an equation in differential form as linear if at least one of the associated derivative-form equations (the ones you get by formally dividing through by \(dx\) and \(dy\), as if they were numbers) is linear. It is possible for one of these derivative-form equations to be linear while the other is nonlinear. This happens in several of these exercises. For example, the associated derivative-form DE for \(y(x)\) is linear; the associated derivative-form DE for \(x(y)\) is not.

  • In my notes, read the remainder of Section 3.3.5, and read Section 3.3.6 up through Example 3.76. (The remainder of Section 3.3.6 is optional reading.)

    When reading anything in Sections 3.3 (all of the "3.3.x" subsections) and Sections 3.4–3.6, remember that Section 3.7 summarizes all the definitions and results in those sections. To avoid getting lost in the weeds, refer to this summary as often as you need; that's the whole reason for Section 3.7's existence.

  • M 2/17/25

  • If I have not yet gone through the "exact equation method" in class, read the rest of NSS Section 2.4 to see the mechanics of solving an exact DE. (Just don't trust any "justifications" or terminology in this section.) This should be enough to enable you to do the exercises below, though not necessarily with confidence if I haven't gone through this in class yet.
        Don't invent a different method for solving exact equations (or use a different method you may have seen before). Read the handout "A terrible method for solving exact equations" that's posted on the Miscellaneous Handouts page. I can almost guarantee that if you've invented (or have ever been shown) an alternative to the method shown in the book (and that I'll go over in class), this "terrible method" is that alternative method.

  • 2.4 (continued)/ 9, 11–14, 16, 17, 19, 20

  • possibly more TBA
  • Class home page