You are required to do all of the problems below.
You are not required to hand them all in; I've indicated which ones
you do have to hand in. Don't make the mistake of thinking that I'm
only collecting the problems I think are important.
The "due date" above is the date that your written-up problems
should be handed in, but don't wait to get started on the assignment.
You should always get started on problems as soon as we cover the
relevant material in class. For example, as of Fri. 8/25/01 we've
covered enough material for you to do problems 1-5 in group A below,
and from your previous mathematical background (or from reading ahead)
you can probably start most of the remaining problems as well.
We've actually done some of the problems below in class already, but
I want you to think them through again. Page references are to
- A: pp. 12-13/ 1-9, 10c. Hand in only 7,9,10c.
- B: Click here for
that I'm unable to typeset in HTML. (I may
eventually learn how to get around this problem.)
- C: Read the "What is
a Proof" and "Mathematical Grammar" notes
posted on the
Miscellaneous Handouts page.
- D: Read the handouts
"Difference Between Inverse Functions and Inverse Images"
and "Equivalence Relations" posted on the Miscellaneous Handouts page.