MAA 4211 Assigment 4
Due date: Wed. 10/17/01
Last update made by D. Groisser Mon Oct 15 10:47:29 EDT 2001
- A: Without reading Rosenlicht's proof, prove parts (3) and
(4) of the second proposition on p. 41. If you get
stumped, read Rosenlicht's proof.
- B: In the metric space E1
find an example illustrating
that an infinite union of closed subsets need not be closed. (Note:
En means Rn with the
Euclidean metric.) Justify your answer (i.e. prove the non-closedness
of the set you're
claiming isn't closed). Hand this in.
- C: pp. 61-63/ 8,12,14. [#24, originally listed here, has
been moved to the next assignment.] (Note: in #8 you are going to
have to correctly define what it means for the points in an infinite
sequence to be ``reordered''. See me if you have trouble defining
this.) Hand all these in.
- D: Read the exam-solution handout. (This will be a physical
handout, not a web handout; it should exist by Friday
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