MAA 4212 Assigment 6
Due date: Fri. 4/12/02
Last update made by D. Groisser Fri Apr 5 17:42:46 EST 2002
- A:
Rosenlicht, pp. 212-214/ 1-4,10-12. Hand in only numbers
3,4,10,12. Of what problem you've seen before is #11 a
- B:
Do these two
non-book problems; you are asked to hand in only the second
problem. The first problem will be easier after Monday's lecture;
however, you may use the result of the first problem to do the second
even before doing the first one.
- C:
Read the web handout
Matrices, Power Series, and Functions of Matrices. Read through
all the exercises as well as the discussion. None of the problems are
assigned for this week's homework, but they might be part of the next
assignment, and in any case some of them tell you facts that I want
you to know.
General homework page
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