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This course is the continuation of Dr. McCullough's section of MAA 4211. General facts about this course
MAA 4211-12 is best treated as a one-year course, with a certain body of material to be covered by the end of the spring, rather than as a course that can be compartmentalized into semesters. When there are two or more sections of the course, as there are this year, the instructors may cover the full year's material at different paces. They have the freedom to move some of what is usually fall material to the spring and vice-versa, and to choose different emphases. For these reasons, all other things being equal, it is usually unwise to switch sections mid-year. In the spring we will be using the foundational material Dr. McCullough developed in the fall; similarly, Dr. King will be building upon what he covered in his section.
The content of the full-year sequence MAA 4211-12 is required in order for this sequence to fulfill the Advanced Calculus requirement for math majors. Since Dr. McCullough finished Chapter 5 in the fall and Dr. King did not (he will finish it in the spring), I reserve the right to give an examination on the Chapter 5 material to students transfering in from Dr. King's section.
This is a very different course from MAA 4102-4103 (Introduction to Advanced Calculus for Engineers and Physical Scientists). Our focus will be on proving theorems, not on applications to the sciences. MAA 4211-12 is geared towards math majors and other people like the conceptual side of math, not just the computational side.
A grade of C or higher in MAA 4211, taken last semester. Any student not meeting this prerequisite must discuss his or her situation with me and get explicit permission from the Undergraduate Coordinator, Dr. Rick Smith, to take this class. In some instances the instructor may allow MAA 4211, taken in an earlier year, to serve as prerequisite; similarly the instructor may allow the combination of MAA 5228, taken last semester, and MAS 4105 (both with grades of C or higher), to serve as a prerequisite. However, all students in my section, including those who took Dr. King's section in the fall, will be responsible for all the material Dr. McCullough covered in MAA 4211 Fall 2008. Students who are transfering in from Dr. King's section will be expected to learn this material on their own. Dr. McCullough's course materials are available here.
Prerequisites Note: MAA 4102/5104 (Advanced Calculus for Engineers and Physical Scientists) absolutely does not serve as a prerequisite for MAA 4212.
You must have the ability to write in clear, unambiguous, grammatically correct English sentences. Having completed MAA 4211, you are now expected to be able to express mathematical ideas in precise terms, and communicate them clearly to other people. A factor in your grade will be whether your instructor can understand your written work without excessive re-reading.
Other skills needed