MAA 4212 Assigment 1
Hand-in date: Wed. 1/21/09.

Hand in only those problems designated for hand-in below.

Last update made by D. Groisser Fri Jan 16 16:58:28 EST 2009
Note to new students (and reminder to continuing students): On every homework assignment, you are expected to work on ALL the problems listed. In order for you to have time to write up the assignment, and for me to grade it, I require you to turn in only a certain subset of the assigned problems. Nonetheless I expect you to seriously attempt ALL the problems, including the ones I don't ask you to hand in, and will hold you responsible for the material in them.

Q&A. A student asked the question below about a particular exercise. A similar question can occur in many other problems. The answer is always the same (except, of course, for specific reference to the particular exercise).

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