- Rosenlicht. Chap. 7, exercises 8-12. Due date: Fri. 2/27/09. Hand in only 8a, 9.
- Non-book problems D1-D3. Due dates: Fri. 3/6/09 for D1, D2ab, D3abcd; Wed. 3/18/09 for D3e; TBA for D2c. Hand in only D1, D2ab, D3abde, and, if you are sure you have successfully completed it, D2c. D2c will be counted as extra credit, and will have a final due-date, TBA, later than Mar. 20. Please do not hand in incomplete work or guesswork on this problem.
Note: D2a is obviously related to p. 161/#12. However, don't just quote p. 161/#12 when doing D2a; give a simple, direct proof of your answer to D2a.