General information Homework Assignments
General information
Unless otherwise specified, due-dates for assignments are Tuesdays (with the exception of Assignment 0, a reading-only assignment to complete before the end of Drop/Add). Instead of homework being collected, on most due-dates there will be a quiz on the homework during the Tuesday class meeting.
The assignments and due dates are listed in the Assignments chart on this page (scroll down). For each assignment the problem-list (and other components, if any) will be updated frequently, based on how far we got in the previous lecture. Usually these updates will be made several hours after the lecture. I will NOT send out notices of these regular updates. Sometimes there will be further updates to correct typos, provide clarification, etc.
You are responsible for checking this page frequently, within a day of each lecture. This page has a "last updated" line near the top to help you tell quickly whether the assignments-chart may have changed since the last time you checked. (The "last updated" date/time will change if I update anything on this page, not just the assignments. But the vast majority of updates will be for the assignments themselves.)
Since the assignments will be built as we go along, you will see a "NOT COMPLETE YET" or "POSSIBLY NOT COMPLETE YET" notice for each assignment until that assignment's listing is complete. But you should start working on problems the day that they're added to this page (unless I say otherwise). It would be unwise to leave a week's worth of homework to the last day. The biggest mistakes students make in this course (and many others) are: not starting to work on the homework assignments early enough, and not doing all the homework. ("Doing all the homework" does not always mean succeeding with every assigned exercise; it means attempting every exercise and giving it your best effort, not giving up after a few minutes.) When I construct your exams, I'll expect you to be familiar with all the homework exercises and reading (as well as anything covered in class that might not be represented in the homework). If you fall behind, there won't be enough time later for you to catch up.
The homework quizzes will be written and graded by your TA, Jake Kowalczyk.
Some Rules for Written Work (Quizzes and Exams)
For example, never write down to the very bottom of a page. Your margins on all four sides should be wide enough for a grader to EASILY insert corrections (or comments, or partial scores) adjacent to what's being corrected (or commented on, or scored).
Academic honesty
On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is implied:
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."
- Write in complete, unambiguous, grammatically correct, and correctly punctuated sentences and paragraphs, as you would find in your textbook.
  Reminder: Every sentence begins with a CAPITAL LETTER and ends with a PERIOD.- On every page, leave margins (left AND right AND top AND bottom; note that "and" does not mean "or").
On your quizzes and exams, to save time you'll be allowed to use the symbols \(\forall, \exists\), \(\Longrightarrow, \Longleftarrow\), and \(\iff\), but you will be required to use them correctly. The handout Mathematical grammar and correct use of terminology, assigned as reading in Assignment 0, reviews the correct usage of these symbols. You will not be allowed to use the symbols \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\), or any symbol for logical negation of a statement. There is no universally agreed-upon symbol for negation; such symbols are highly author-dependent. Symbols for and and or are used essentially as "training wheels" in courses like MHF 3202 (Sets and Logic). The vast majority of mathematicians never use \(\wedge\) or \(\vee\) symbols to mean "and" or "or"; they use \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\) with very standard different meanings. (Note: the double-arrows \( \Longrightarrow, \Longleftarrow,\) and \(\iff\) are implication arrows. Single arrows do not represent implication, so you may not use them to substitute for the double-arrow symbols.) [Depending on which Sets and Logic section you took, you may have had the misfortune to use a textbook that uses single arrows for implication. If so, you've been taught implication-notation that most of the mathematical world considers to be wrong, and, starting now, you'll need to un-learn that notation in order to avoid confusion in almost all your subsequent math courses. As an analogy: if you had a class in which you were taught that the word for "dog" is "cat", your subsequent teachers would correct that misimpression in order to spare you a lot of future confusion; they would insist that you learn that "cat" does not mean "dog". They would not say, "Well, since someone taught you that it's okay to use `cat' for 'dog', I'll let you go on thinking that that's okay."]
Date due | Assignment |
F 1/17/25 | Assignment 0 (just reading, but important to
do before the end of Drop/Add)
I recommend also reading the handout "Taking and Using Notes in a College Math Class," even though it is aimed at students in Calculus 1-2-3 and Elementary Differential Equations. Also read the handout "Sets and Functions" on the Miscellaneous Handouts page, even though some of it repeats material in the FIS appendices. I originally wrote this for students who hadn't taken MHF3202 (at a time when MHF3202 wasn't yet a prerequisite for MAS4105), so the level may initially seem very elementary. But don't be fooled: these notes include some material that most students entering MAS4105 are, at best, unclear about, especially when it comes to writing mathematics. For the portions of my handout that basically repeat what you saw in FIS Appendices A and B, it's okay just to skim. I'd like to amplify guideline 9, "Watch out for 'it'." You should watch out for any pronoun, although "it" is the one that most commonly causes trouble. Any time you use a pronoun, make sure that it has a clear and unambiguous antecedent. (The antecedent of a pronoun is the noun that the pronoun stands for.) |
T 1/21/25 |
Assignment 1
See my Fall 2023 homework page for some notes on the reading and exercises in this assignment.
As I hope is obvious: on the Fall 2023 page, anywhere you see a statement referring to something I said in class, the thing that I "said" may be something I haven't said yet this semester, and could end up not saying this semester at all. My lectures are not word-for-word the same every time I teach this class, so you'll need to use some common sense when looking at the inserted notes in a prior semester's assignments.
T 1/28/25 |
Assignment 2
T 2/4/25 |
Assignment 3
Note: Two of the three procedural steps below "The procedure just illustrated" on p. 28 should have been stated more precisely. See my Fall 2023 homework page, Assignment 2, "Read Section 1.4 ..." bullet-point, for clarifications/corrections.
i.e. iff every linear combination of elements of \(W\) lies in \(W\). Once you've read the book's definition of linearly dependent and linearly independent subsets of a vector space (pp. 37 and 38), show that, together, these are equivalent to Definition 4 in my "Lists, ..." handout. Note that in the handout's Definition 4, I've emphasized the word "distinct". I've done this because when reading the book's definition on p. 37, most students don't realize how critical this word is, so they later forget it's there. The handout's Proposition 3 shows why this word is important in Definition 4, and hence also in the book's definition on p. 37. Do this exercise (which the handout's Proposition 3 should make easy): Show that if "distinct" were deleted from the handout's Definition 4, or from the book's definition on p. 37, then every nonempty subset of a vector space would be linearly dependent (and hence the terminology "linearly (in)dependent" would serve no purpose!). |
T 2/11/25 |
Assignment 4
With these changes, the results you are proving are, simultaneously, stronger than what the book asked you to prove (fewer assumptions are needed), and simpler to prove. For the (non-obvious) reason it's simpler to do the modified problem than to do the book's problem correctly, see the green text under "Modification for #13" in my Fall 2024 homework page, Assignment 4.
When you write what you think is a definition of, say, a (type of) object X or a property P, ask yourself: Would somebody else be able to tell unequivocally whether some given object is an X or has property P, using only your definition (plus any prior, precise definitions on which yours depends, but without asking you any questions)? In other words, is your definition usable? If you can't write precise definitions, you'll never be able be able to write coherent proofs. Many proofs are almost "automatic": if you write down the precise definitions of terminology in the hypotheses and conclusion, the definitions practically provide a recipe for writing out a correct proof. When you learn a new concept, a natural early stage of the learning process is to translate new vocabulary into terms that mean something to you. That's fine. But you do have to get beyond that stage, and be able to communicate clearly with people who can't read your mind. You have to do this in an agreed-upon language (English, for us) whose rules of word-order, grammar, and syntax distinguish meaningful sentences from gibberish, and distinguish from each other meaningful sentences that use the same set of words but have different meanings. If someone new to football were to ask you to tell him or her, in writing, what a touchdown is, it wouldn't be helpful to answer with, "If it's a touchdown, it means when they throw or run and the person holding that thing gets past the line." If the friend asks what a field goal is, you wouldn't answer with "A field goal is when they don't throw, but they kick, no running." But this is how limited your understanding of mathematical terminology and concepts, and your ability to use them, are likely to be if you don't practice writing definitions. For every object or property we've defined in this class, you should be able to write a definition that's nearly identical either to the one in the book or one that I gave in class (or in a handout). Until you've mastered that, hold off on trying to write the definitions in what you think are other (equivalent!) ways. Most students need these "training wheels" for quite a while. |
T 2/18/25 | Assignment 5 |
T 2/25/25 | Assignment 6 |
T 3/4/25 | Assignment 7 |
T 3/11/25 | Assignment 8 |
T 3/25/25 | Assignment 9 |
T 4/1/25 | Assignment 10 |
T 4/8/25 | Assignment 11 |
T 4/15/25 | Assignment 12 |
T 4/22/25 | Assignment 13 |