Homework Rules and Assignments
MAA 4211 - Advanced Calculus I
Fall 2001
Last update made by D. Groisser Wed Nov 21 16:48:15 EST 2001
Homework Rules
The homework you hand in must be neat, and must be written in pen
(not pencil!). Work everything out on scrap paper first, rewrite
the solutions carefully on clean sheets of 8.5" x 11" paper leaving
enough space for me to write comments, and staple the sheets
together. Do not attach your sheets of paper simply by folding and/or
tearing the corners. I won't grade homework that is messy, that looks
like it has been erased and written over, that has shreds of paper
dangling from it (for example, from being ripped out of a spiral-bound
notebook), or that comes apart when I turn pages.
- You are not allowed to consult other textbooks, old solution
handouts, etc. You should first try all the problems on your
own. After trying all the problems, you may brainstorm
with other students in the class for general ideas, but you may not
work out the problems together. You are also not permitted to split
the workload with other students (e.g. you may not get together in a
group and have each person work out only a few of the problems). It's
okay to go through the non-hand-in problems with a tutor, but you're
not allowed to consult a tutor (or anyone else outside the class with
mathematical expertise) for the hand-in problems. Remember that all
students at UF are governed by the
Honor Code. If I suspect your homework is not your own work, I
may give you an oral exam on the homework questions.
- Homework will be collected at the beginning of the period on the
day that it's due, and must be completed and stapled together
before the start of the class period.